
Emma was an adorable little Jack Russel Terrier mix that lived at The Animal Clinic, PC as the clinic dog. She hung out with the groomer and loved life. She was a typical little terrier, just a fun loving go getter. Emma was a little tenacious, like most terriers, but she really did get along with everyone.

Emma's life was cut short one December afternoon due to some staff members' carelessness. The groomer had already gone home for the day, and brought Emma inside from the back play yard. Oz, the groomer's boyfriend's pitbull was put out in the yard to play. One of the staff members brought Oz back into the groom room and left him and Emma alone together.

Not fifteen minutes later, one of the staff walked in to find Oz standing over Emma's life-less body. Emma never have a chance. All of this could have been avoided had the staff been more responsible. Leaving a small dog in the room alone with a large dog, especially a pit bull is very irresponsible.

Oz was also not socialized properly as a pup, either, which helped lead to his dog-on-dog aggression. People who do not properly raise and train these types of dogs are the ones who give them a bad name.

Two dogs died on that tragic day. Two happy, healthy dogs needlessly lost their lives due to someone else's irresponsible acts.